Deyde DataCentric develops and maintains complete and highly accurate datasets of all businesses in primary European countries.
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“Due to its tailored solutions and technology, in Deyde DataCentric we have found our partner of choice for data projects, email and SMS sending. Our clients are companies of high level and demand, but with the support of Deyde DataCentric we grow in solutions for them with full confidence.”
“Since the beginning of our Business Unit, Sanitas Dental, we have had Deyde DataCentric as a Data Partner. Of them we highlight their deep knowledge of the lists available in the market to obtain the best conversion of each list that we use in our recruitment Telemarketing campaigns. At Sanitas we stand out for offering dental insurance with extensive coverage so that clients have perfect care and maintenance of oral health, and at competitive prices, so efficiency in our actions is paramount and we have found in Deyde DataCentric the perfect ally”
“The success of Rajapack lies in its wide range of 3500 packaging products in permanent stock as well as in its delivery in 24/48 hours throughout the peninsula. Thousands of companies count on us as their packaging supplier and your satisfaction is our priority. We have been since before our landing in Spain in 2003, trusting Deyde DataCentric to optimize our marketing campaigns with lists, data quality services and analytics. Your team of advisors, in whom we fully trust, share with us the challenge of doing grow our business every day. “
“Deyde DataCentric has become an operational and strategic extension of our unit. Its capabilities in the supply of audiences and leads are unique in the market. Suppliers and technologies are many, the difference is the support and the human team that accompanies you in your needs.”
“We have been collaborating fruitfully with Deyde DataCentric for more than 14 years. In their team we have always found expert advice and in their data solutions a quality beyond our expectations. At ICEMD we are leaders in interactive marketing training and likewise, we believe that Deyde DataCentric has always demonstrated the same leadership in Database Marketing. For this reason, we hope to continue counting on Deyde DataCentric as our Data Partners for many more years”.
“The way we consume data has changed. Deyde DataCentric´s cloud environment with big data technologies allows us to consult and consume only the information we need in real time and updated through the Pyramid platform. The advance that means being able to have access to a huge repository of information on companies, businesses, individuals, street maps, sociodemographic variables, cartography, cadastre and digital environment data, all of them interrelated with just one click, is a huge step that generates efficiency in sales and in saving time and resources. “
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