Ranking of the Biggest Companies in Lleida 2024

What are the biggest companies in Lleida?

This ranking has been made by combining multiple data, surveys of local professionals, digital and advertising presence, employee size and national turnover of each business group.

Find out what are the Top companies in Lleida

Company Ranking Score Activity Brands Employees Income URL
BONAREA 5,43 SUPERMARKETS BONAREA | CAIXAGUISSONA 3.700 1.983.983.860 € cag.es
BORGES 3,33 FOOD BORGES 260 295.819.000 € borges.es
PLUS FRESC 3,25 SUPERMARKETS PLUS FRESC 1.500 184.010.182 € plusfresc.cat
La mejor empresa del ranking Top Empresas de Dedyde DataCentric

Score: 5,43
Employees: 3.700
Income: 1.983.983.860 €

Segunda mejor empresa en el Ranking Top Empresas de Deyde DataCentric

Score: 3,33
Brands: BORGES
Employees: 260
Income: 295.819.000 €

Tercera mejor empresa en el Ranking Top Empresas de Deyde DataCentric

Score: 3,25
Employees: 1.500
Income: 184.010.182 €

Company Ranking Score Activity
Brands Employees Income URL
BONAREA | CAIXAGUISSONA 3.700 1.983.983.860 € cag.es
BORGES 260 295.819.000 € borges.es
PLUS FRESC 1.500 184.010.182 € plusfresc.cat

Most relevant company in Lleida

Las empresas más relevantes de Lleida

The BonÀrea group, founded by Jaume Alsina, is one of the most thriving retail chains in the region. Its integrated model of food production and distribution, from agriculture to the end consumer, boosts the local economy, generates employment and promotes sustainability in the region’s food chain. This approach boosts the local economy, generates employment and promotes sustainability in the region’s food chain.

Las empresas más relevantes de Lleida

Interactive map: Top Companies in Spain

2024 Ranking of Companies by region, based on their relevance score

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Get to know Deyde DataCentric solutions

This ranking is made based on multiple data. If you also want to make decisions based on data and need advice on the quality and supply of data or the search for relevant audiences for your business, do not hesitate to contact us and tell us about your business problem.



System made up of modules that perform normalization of names and postal addresses, deduplication and validation of identities.

Imagen Pyramid


We help you understand. Supplement your data with an external source. All spanish market information with real estate, business and consumer data.



Deyde DataCentric is the leading campaign manager on the spanish market. We build recruitment and loyalty solutions based on data and digital technology.